Discover NCC

Discover NCC

Discover NCC

Are you interested in pursuing membership at NCC? Our next round of membership classes begins in October. 

Discover NCC - This class gives an overview of who we are as a church, looking at the history and theological foundations of New Covenant Church. The class will take place on October 20 at 9:00 AM and is a prerequisite for Membership.

Membership Class - This class looks at what it means to be part of the Body of Christ and a member of New Covenant Church. The class consists of two parts, which will take place on October 27 and November 3 at 9:00 AM. Both classes are prerequisites for Membership. 



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 1 Bunting Lane, Naperville, Illinois 60565
 (630) 357-4092





Office Hours
Mon, Wed 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Thursday 12:00 pm - 5:00 pm
