After service fellowship 

After Service Fellowship time is offered weekly, immediately following the worship service downstairs in Fellowship Hall. Join us for a fresh brewed cup of coffee, lemonade, baked goods, time with new friends and old ones. To sign up to bring snacks or serve on the set-up team see the Sign-Up Genius logo below.

snack volunteers

Sign up if you can provide 3 dozen cookies (bought or homemade). Cookies can be dropped off in the Fellowship Hall kitchen, before Sunday School or church. 

Sign Up! 

Set up and clean up

Can you help with coffee/water set up and clean up?  Commitment is one Sunday a month.  New volunteers will be paired with experienced volunteers.   


Membership | Contact Us | Ways To Give | MyNCC

 1 Bunting Lane, Naperville, Illinois 60565
 (630) 357-4092





Office Hours
Mon, Wed 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Thursday 12:00 pm - 5:00 pm
