Favorite Christian Books on Parenting and the Family

Favorite Christian Books on Parenting and the Family

Author: Pastor Chris Castaldo
February 09, 2023

Last Sunday, I was privileged (and challenged) to preach a message from Ephesians 6:1-4. My sermon’s title, “Disciplines of a Godly Family,” echoed a great book on Christian parenting by a former pastor/mentor and his wife. As I thought about what I should post on the blog this week, it occurred that maybe I should share some of my favorite Christian books on parenting and the family. So, with a little help from Stan Guthrie, here is my non-exhaustive list, in random order, along with some comments that may help you decide whether to check them out.


Disciplines of a Godly Family, by Kent & Barbara Hughes
Kent and Barbara offer advice on establishing a solid family heritage, promoting affection between family members, encouraging godliness in children, using appropriate discipline, helping children cultivate enriching lifelong habits, creating family traditions, and even starting a prayer notebook. You don’t necessarily have to do all these things, but this book will help you decide which disciplines are right for your family.

Big Truths for Young Hearts, by Bruce Ware
This slim, readable volume could be named Systematic Theology 101 for Kids. The author not only is an accomplished professor of theology; he is a skilled communicator who knows how to boil down complex and vital truths in a way that young people aged 6 to 14 (and their parents!) can easily grasp. If you want to teach theology to your kids but aren’t quite sure where to start, Bruce Ware’s handy guide may be just what you need.

Shepherding a Child's Heart, by Tedd Tripp
This book’s aim is to help parents speak to their children’s hearts so that they enter the paths of life. Elisabeth Elliot said, “I am glad to recommend this book for its remarkably clear, biblical, and practical teaching. Earnest fathers and mothers will find it also eminently ‘do-able.’” I appreciate how this volume frames our calling as shepherds who follow the Great Shepherd.

The Parenting Book, by Nicky and Sila Lee 
Do you need an all-in-one resource for raising children from birth through 18 years old? Then consider this book, written by the dad and mom of four kids and the founders of Relationship Central, a global marriage and parenting ministry based in London. The clever, animated drawings will have you laughing out loud.

Doing Life with Your Adult Children, by Jim Burns
The subtitle of this book, Keep Your Mouth Shut and the Welcome Mat Out, summarizes the contents splendidly. Adult children, Jim Burns says, are just that—adults—and parents need to shift their focus from seeking to control and provide for their children to loving and supporting them. It can be a rough transition, but this book makes the road a little smoother.

For the Family’s Sake, by Susan Schaeffer Macaulay
This may be my wife's favorite book on the subject. The marketing copy says it all: “Susan Schaeffer Macaulay presents a clear blueprint for constructing a home that survives the variety of situations that you face in modern life. With Jesus Christ as the foundation, using tools such as common sense, realism, and traditions, you can build a secure, loving environment where every member of your family can flourish.”

There are other good books on child-rearing and the family, but these will be enough to get you started. Let me know your thoughts!

Chris Castaldo Ph.D, is lead pastor of New Covenant Church in Naperville and author of the forthcoming book, The Upside Down Kingdom, from Crossway.


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